Tuesday, June 29, 2010

~~~MaSoN's BaBy BleSsInG~~~

A couple Sundays ago we blessed our sweet baby boy. Ty did an awesome job on the blessing. We were so happy all of our friends and family could come. Thanks again for coming and supporting us.. Here are the pics from the day....

Our sweet baby..
Ty and me...
Gotta have some smooches!!
Ty's dad Kelly..
My cousin Kristin and her hubby Kit.
Cute Olivia!!
Brooklyn's boyfriend Trae!!!
Our wonderful friends Heather and Holly..
Chase, Nicole and baby Londyn..
Mp and Steve making kiss faces.. and let me just tell you.. Love was in the air at this party.. Everyone was hugging and loving on each other haha.. You will see in the other pics.
Chase and T.J.
I was trying to take a picture of just Hanna and all these other wierdo's somehow snuck in..
My cousin Kristin with Bailey.. who was born a day before Mason.
Kit and my brother Ryan.. Can you feel the love yet?
Austin and Kelsie..
Brooklyn and her cousin Addie Mae
Grandma and Grandpa Ehlers..
My grandma and grandpa Bennett..

My dad with Sarge.

The Ehlers Family..
Thanks again!!


hoLLY said...

what a beautiful family you have ! ty did a great job! thanks for letting us be a part of Mason's big day! love ya!

The Jacksons said...

Did Kristen have a baby?